The Spinfire Pro 2 builds on the features of the Pro 1 by adding
vertical oscillation, a
2 line drill & a
remote control. As with the Pro 1, this machine offers
internal oscillation and its stylish design allows for a 200 ball capacity while also being extremely portable and compact for storage. Feature packed, it includes both horizontal & vertical oscillation, a 2 line drill, extreme spin, LCD display, membrane touch
panel and more.
Top speed 130km/h |
Lowest speed 20km/h
Extreme topspin & slice
Ball intervals from 2 to 15 seconds |
Horizontal Oscillation
Vertical Oscillation
3 – 8 hour battery life
150 ball capacity
Weighs 18-24kg
Remote control included
2 line drill (wide & narrow)
Heavy Duty Battery
Optional fast charger, cover & carry case |
Battery powered |
2 year warranty (battery 6 months)
Internal Oscillation:
The Spinfire Pro series of ball machines oscillates internally and moves quickly making shots less predictable. This design moves away from the traditional ball machine model of oscillating the whole body which is slower and more predictable.
Remote control:
Included is a remote control.
Counter Rotating Wheels:
The Spinfire Pro series uses counter rotating wheels to propel the balls. This is the most effective method of ball propulsion allowing the machine to remain silent and effectively produce topspin and slice. The wheels are black to help disguise their location inside the machine, helping to make each shot less predictable.
Vertical & Horizontal Oscillation:
The Spinfire Pro 2 improves on the Pro 1 by adding vertical oscillation. This oscillation allows the machine to vary the depth of the ball when in random play. It can be turned on by itself or in conjunction with horizontal oscillation or even the two line drill.
These machines allow for the hopper to be reversed to neatly cover the machine making it very compact. The solid wheels and handle allow you to easily move the machine. The handle is stored underneath the machine and extends when required.
Two line drill:
The Spinfire Pro 2 offers completely random hitting but also offers this two line drill feature (not available on the Pro 1). Once set, the balls will no longer be random, instead, you will receive alternating forehands and backhands. It can be set to either “narrow” or “wide” to vary the degree of difficult. You can also set the timing between each ball.
Extreme Spin:
These machines offer extreme spin, meaning i>more spin than a human is capable of hitting.. You can set either topspin or slice to any level between 0 and 10, with 10 being the maximum spin and 0 being flat balls. When set at level 10 the difficulty of spin is so high that if you can master it, you will have no trouble dealing with your opponents in real match play. No human can hit the level of spin these machine are capable of. Of course you can always set the spin to much easier levels for more realistic practice.
LCD display and membrane touch panel:
The control panel on the Spinfire has a back lit LCD menu showing settings for ball interval, speed, spin and elevation level. The membrane touch panel has a strong aesthetic appeal and is easy to use.
Utilising infrared sensors, the Spinfire Pro series of machines can calibrate themselves before every use, allowing you to line up the machine to the center of the court. When turning off horizontal or vertical oscillation the machine will calibrate itself back to its original position.
After spending time learning your favorite settings and inputting them into the machine, it’s nice to know that they are memorized. Each time you turn on the machine it recalls the last settings you were using for interval, speed and spin.
The Spinfire Pro series of machines come with an outstanding 2 year warranty on parts and labor.
Spinfire offer the following optional extras:
Fast Charger – will charge the machine in 3 – 4 hours instead of 10 hours.
Cover - will protect the machine from dust, debris, leaves, etc. It should not be used to leave the machine out on the court in the weather. The machine can still be wheeled while using this cover.
Carry Case – this heavy duty carry case will allow you to use the handles to transport the machine to and from your destination. It also includes pockets for storing the remote control, charger and other items. The machine can still be wheeled while using this case.

Horizontal Oscillation - Wide: In the diagram above, you can see how balls are randomly fired horizontally across the court to the full width of the singles lines. The depth can be manually set (in this example it's set to hit the baseline), but it will not vary through this drill. This causes the player to move from side to side, with no forward or backward movement. See this feature in our video at 2:17

Horizontal Oscillation - Medium: In this diagram, you can see how balls are randomly fired horizontally across the court but not to the full width of the singles lines (this is easier than the wide version). The depth can be manually set (in this example it's set to hit the baseline), but it will not vary through this drill. This causes the player to move from side to side, with no forward or backward movement.

Vertical Oscillation: This diagram shows how vertical oscillation causes the balls to randomly change in depth. The example above is set to fire down the middle of the court, but the position can be varied to anywhere on the court. This drill forces the player to move forward and backward with no horizontal movement. See this feature in our video at 2:41

Vertical & Horizontal Oscillation - Wide: This drill combines "horizontal oscillation - wide" and "vertical oscillation" together, giving the player both variation in depth and width (between both singles lines). The player is forced to move in all directions giving them a realistic hitting pattern. This is sometimes referred to as triple oscillation or random. See this feature in our video at 3:03

Vertical & Horizontal Oscillation - Medium: This drill combines "horizontal oscillation - medium" and "vertical oscillation" together, giving the player both variation in depth and width (only a medium width, not all the way to each singles line). The player is forced to move in all directions giving them a realistic hitting pattern but not working them too hard.

Two Line Drill - Wide: This is the most difficult version of the 2 line drill, providing the player with alternating forehands and backhands. The wide distance between each shot forces the player to run from side to side which quickly tests their endurance. You can set the timing interval between each shot to make it easier or more difficult. This can also be used when two players are on the court, providing alternating shots to each player. See this feature in our video at 4:16

Two Line Drill - Medium: This is an easier version of the 2 line drill, providing the player with alternating forehands and backhands with less width between each ball. The medium distance between each shot tests the players endurance without pushing too hard. You can set the timing interval between each shot to make it easier or more difficult. This can also be used when two players are on the court, providing alternating shots to each player.

Two Line Drill - Narrow: This is one of the most popular drills available. The player will be provided with alternating forehands and backhands with only minimal movement between each shot required. This causes the player to change their grip and footwork between each shot, without causing too much fatigue. See this feature in our video at 4:48

Two Line Drill with Vertical Oscillation - Wide: This is the same as the Two Line Drill - Wide, only this time vertical oscillation has been added. Shots will alternate between wide forehands and backhands (very difficult) but the depth will also vary at the same time, providing shorter balls for the easy put away. This is the most physically challenging drill available.

Two Line Drill with Vertical Oscillation - Medium: This is the same as the Two Line Drill - Medium, only this time vertical oscillation has been added. Shots will alternate between wide forehands and backhands (only a medium width of the court) but the depth will also vary at the same time, providing shorter balls for the easy put away.

Two Line Drill with Vertical Oscillation - Narrow: This is the same as the Two Line Drill - Narrow, only this time vertical oscillation has been added. Shots will alternate between forehands and backhands but the depth will also vary at the same time, providing shorter balls for the easy put away.